Secure Management of Active Directory

Secure Management of Active Directory

  • 課程介紹



    The purpose of this course is to show attendees what is secure AD management and how does it work? It also describes best practices of secure AD management and principles of AD group policy hardening.

  • 課程目標

    ● To learn and understand  AD and how it works?
    ● To understand how to establish a sound AD structure
    ● To learn and understand best practices of secure AD  management
    ● To learn and understand AD group policy hardening

  • 課程大綱

    ● What is Active Directory and How it Works?
    ● Establish a Sound AD Structure
    ● Monitor AD Health
    ● Ensure Business Continuity
    ● Best Practices for Secure AD Management
    ● Hardening AD Group Policy

  • 參加對象

    ● Information Security Manager/Administrator
    ● Information Security Professional/Technician

  • 基礎能力

    ● Equipped with a foundational understanding of information management or cyber security protection.